Coder Series – Advance Level

In the “Coder Series – Advanced Level,” students embark on a journey of coding mastery and intricate robotics understanding. This level introduces them to the integration of software modules for enhanced project functionality. Students creatively apply coding concepts to design unique solutions for real-world challenges. They assess the efficiency of coding solutions and develop critical thinking skills by critiquing and proposing improvements to hardware and software aspects. As students refine their coding expertise, they gain a comprehensive grasp of how hardware and software components interact, setting the stage for advanced coding adventures.


30 Hours (2 Hours each session)

Course Fee

800 AED per month

Course Length

03-04 months (Flexible)


    • Define key hardware and software components used in the projects.
    • Identify different types of programming concepts (loops, conditionals, variables) and their application in Scratch
    • Describe the fundamental principles of robotics and their practical use in the projects.
    • Summarize the functionality and interactions of hardware and software components in the projects.
    • Explain the logic behind coding structures and algorithms used to solve specific problems.
    • Interpret and analyze the results of the projects to gain insights into their functioning.
    • Assemble and set up hardware kits for different projects effectively.
    • Code programs in Scratch to control and interact with the hardware components.
    • Apply programming concepts to create custom features and functionalities for the projects.
    • Analyze and troubleshoot errors in the hardware and software components.
    • Compare and contrast different coding approaches to achieve similar results.
    • Combine hardware components creatively to design unique projects.
    • Integrate multiple software modules to enhance project functionality.
    • Develop innovative solutions to real-world problems using the knowledge gained in the program.
    • Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the coding solutions implemented in the projects.
    • Critique and propose improvements for both hardware and software aspects of the projects.
    • Evaluate the overall learning and skill development throughout the Coding Series program.
    • Break down complex projects into smaller tasks and identify their dependencies.


Session-wise Activities

    • Day 1-2 Advanced Coding Concepts
    • Day 3-4 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Day 5-6 Implementing AI in Hardware Projects
    • Day 7-8 AI Image Recognition
    • Day 9-10 AI Music Generation
    • Day 11-12 AI in Gaming
    • Day 13-16 AI Project Showcase and Evaluation

Material Required

    • Robotmea IDS Kit
    • Student manual
    • Hands-out (if required)
    • Audio-Visual Aid
    • Tables
    • Chairs
    • Presentation/PPT
    • Competition preparations (as per need)

Empowering Minds in the Digital Era


Office 339, Office Tower, Al Ghurair Center, Deira Dubai

Contact Number

